Occupational Therapy,
Made Easy

We’ll help you get through all that disability, medical and health funding palaver (blah!) leaving you time to do the good stuff in life (yay!).

Here at VTOT we have a light-hearted approach to life, but look after your health super seriously.

Meet Vi Tran,

your Principal OT

Vi (‘Vee’) thought the pinnacle of her career was winning her high school talent quest but since completing her OT degree in 2009, for over 15 years it’s helping the people around her to do the things they love in life which has been the highlight.

She’s worked in areas such as spinal cord injury, disability in the community, palliative care, vocational rehab and the health department.

It gives her a great understanding of not only the person, but also the funding bodies you deal with. You know what that means? She can sort out nearly anything with a smile on her face, stress free for you.

She’s passionate about some good old T+E (Training and Education) with her clients and has a wonderful knack of breaking stuff down so you get it - which is also a nice way of saying she talks a lot.